Monday, October 19, 2009

Rise and shine

This morning when i woke up, i realized that it's so good to wake up knowing that i have:
1. God
2. A family
3. A few good and close friends, and a good boyfriend
4. Physical things by my bed that reminds me of being happy when i wake up
4. Fresh flowers by my bed :)

Current location: KBU International

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Just for laughs

Have you ever been this tired?

The october week

Ahh... Haven't been blogging for some time now because i don't have internet at home anymore, now that El has gone back to Semenyih and left me all alooonnneeee... I miss you, internet... Hehe. I miss you too El :p It still kills me when you leave every sunday :( ish dramanya. But it's true. You better love me tons more after this post. Hehe.

I've been quite busy this week cos my Moral group assignment is almost due and we're supposed to hand in a first and second draft, before the final set, to count for our final score. So have been completing it in between classes, locking myself (and my groupmates) in the computer lab, and sticking my face in front of the laptop when i get home. So, first draft is finally done, now waiting to complete the second draft by monday/tuesday, then hand in the final set on thursday. Plus work for other subjects and tuition in between. So yeah, been pretty exhausted at the end of this week and pretty thankful for the weekend. But the good part is, i finally sign up to use the college's computer lab, which has access to the internet :) Didn't need to, till now. So it's good that i can make use of what i'm paying for (well, what my dad pays for). But of course, no access to facebook and msn. Haven't tried out other websites yet.

Internal exams are coming in a matter of 3 weeks *bulging eyes*. I better start motivating myself to start studying and plan a schedule before it's too late :)

And i can't wait till December for my China trip with El for a whole 2 weeks. Gosh, Leen, i'm going be stuck with you for 2 whole weeks. It's going to be awesome! muahaha x) What can i say, can't live with you, can't live without you. Hehe kidding. You know i love you lol.

My classmates bought me a slice of my favourite cake today for my early birthday celebration. Chocolate indulgence! I'm so touched, and still am. I've got awesome classmates :) I think 4 out of 11 of them are born in October. Happy early and belated birthday guys!
Somehow i don't really feel excited about my birthday this year. Seems like it's going to be just another ordinary day. But still, thank God for giving me a chance to experience life. It's been great, tough sometimes, and mostly very much WEIRD. Am i seriously giving my birthday speech now? And it's not even my birthday yet. I must be sleepy, as usual :p

Selamat malam Malaysia!
p/s: happy deepavali to all those celebrating!