Thursday, December 31, 2009

Welcome to life *wave*

It's amazing how status-minded the world is nowadays. How fashionable you are; how successful you are; how much big bucks you earn/can earn in the future; how sociable or how popular you are; how many people you can please and amaze, or how many people will aspire to be you. But what do you get when it's all over?

Afterall, it's just... People.

But this is life, this is reality.

Guess what, i don't care if i don't please you. So please leave me alone.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ello the smello

I learnt something from my mum not too long ago. It helped me a lot dealing with stress. When you have a lot of work to do or things that you find it hard to find solutions to, "don't be stressed", "chill", "it's not the end of the world" or "take it easy" doesn't mean taking it lightly or not bothering about your work = no stress. But it basically means do it one by one, because it'll eventually be done and come to past if you just do something, rather than making yourself stressed over it. It's usually us who make ourselves stressed, or if people are making you stressed, the stress that they give won't bother you if you are not willing to let yourself be affected by that stress, but rather do something about it, and learn to enjoy what you are supposed to do. Don't keep thinking about how stressed you are, how much more there is to do, but just do it. Positive thinking + action = efficiency. Yeah, this really helps me when i feel i'm going crazy.

El, really hope that you're okay and things are going better for you as the days pass. Be keeping you in prayer. Hang in there and everything will be alright :)

<3 you heaps
P/s You look like a Malay here. hehe

I miss you, crazy girl!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Flying, literally

At this moment, i suddenly feel that I can't wait to leave for China.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Heal the world

We produce a lot of trash that biodegrades slowly, and too much of it ends up in the ocean. Out at sea, plastic suffocates sea turtles and choke birds, which look at the bits of floating gunk as food.

These two pictures break my heart. I hope it breaks yours too.

Deformed sea turtle with a bottle ring trapped around it

Dead seabird who mistook plastic for food

We might not be able to save the world. But the little that we can do, lets try to do it.

Oh yeah, this video is cute.
Title: How to get up and get ready for work in 5 minutes. Plus breakfast.

Friday, November 27, 2009


Ok mel, there are
3 things you really NEED to remember:

1. Be cheerful
2. Smile :)

Have a happy Friday!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The (not Harry) potter and the clay

Being molded: it's a love-hate relationship

Lord please help me to not resist being taught. And help me to grow and hold on as i seek you.

*Note to self: I love experiencing the Lord.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

This is real, this is me

With all the things that have been happening for the past few years, I do believe that God is allowing me to experience things that are real so that I will be able to use it to help and encourage people in the future. Being a child, I always believed that the future installs so much for me, and that I will be able to do all things because God is there. I've shared with some people that, the thing that keeps my faith going is the hope that tomorrow will be better than today. That life wouldn't be just life. I never thought of earning big bucks, or being the top person in something. I only wanted to grow up doing the things that i like and have a passion for. But my greatest dream was to hear from God, see Him and serve him everyday of my life. This was my biggest dream. And i really looked forward to it. But growing up wasn't really easy, especially coming to the transition from being a teenager to soon, an adult. Things start to get complicating, and reality really kicks in. And guess what, reality is harsh. No longer can you only want to do your own thing, but as i start to understand things, well, it comes with responsibility, and "life officially starts". When i talk to people, i guess the only thing they can tell me is "well, this is reality. It's time to grow up". I've started to loose my goal and focus. And don't know where to find God in all these that's going on, and how is God in the picture. I'd think "God i thought my dream is something that will bless You. Then why does it seem like You're not wanting to make it happen?". Even on Friday, when Jess Parker spoke about breaking free in church. I was quite reluctant to go cos i felt like it's just another program. I'm just going to go, have a few things that hit me, and the next day it'll be like i'll forget everything. But He mentioned something about night terror, which really struck me cos i've had it for the past few years, which for a while it was really bad and i had it for almost everyday in a row, and to a point, 3 times in one night itself. I ended up not being able to sleep and literally had a phobia of going to bed. I'd make myself super tired so would sleep well that night. I couldn't find anyone who have had the same experience as i did and really didn't know what to do. I remember praying every night before i slept, and yet it still happened every night. Called upon Jesus when it happened, and yet it still continued. I think at that point, i really lost my faith. I thought "God i thought You said You'd save me when i call You, but why didn't You?". But it was encouraging to find people that do go through the same thing as i did. I know it's not merely sleep paralysis (which many people have been telling me that it is) cos I have weird dreams before it happens and sometimes I hear somebody whispering in my ear when it happens. I use to think it's better not to question, cos it's only going to make me question God and make me go further away from Him. Till some time ago I happened to talk to Simon and he mentioned that it's ok to question God, I don't think He is intimidated by our questions. Then only i realized that what made me drift away was me not wanting to question God, and in the end i only end up having no answers and giving up my walk. Nowadays in church they always mention God wanting to restore and remind those who had a dream and kind of forgot or lost sight of it. I didn't think it was for me. But i think God has been starting to remind me of things and start to let me see the purpose things that have happened. Yes, I'm still looking for answers. And i hope to find them.

Hmm... This post seems holy. Hehe. Guess i'm not really used to being "holy" anymore. But i'm glad i'm posting it up. It's going to be a good reminder.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


It's so encouraging when you have a question that is so subjective, that people cannot give you an answer to that will keep your faith going, yet a simple answer you find in the Word of God brings reassurance and courage that rises above a thousand words people give.
I am encouraged :)

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all.

Prince Edward Phillipe Renaldo
Princess Dairies 1

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The yellow umbrella on a rainy day

Don't people look so pretty when they smile?

It never fails to make my day :)

Banananana *breathe* nananana

Oh! I've just discovered this when I went to this Japanese RM5 shop yesterday. Or maybe i'm just jakun.

You've seen Tupperware specially meant for salads, sandwiches, even butter.

... ...

But for bananas'!?

Size: Able to fit up to 2 bananas. Or one super huge banana.

No kidding. This container even has holes for ventilation.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Rise and shine

This morning when i woke up, i realized that it's so good to wake up knowing that i have:
1. God
2. A family
3. A few good and close friends, and a good boyfriend
4. Physical things by my bed that reminds me of being happy when i wake up
4. Fresh flowers by my bed :)

Current location: KBU International

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Just for laughs

Have you ever been this tired?

The october week

Ahh... Haven't been blogging for some time now because i don't have internet at home anymore, now that El has gone back to Semenyih and left me all alooonnneeee... I miss you, internet... Hehe. I miss you too El :p It still kills me when you leave every sunday :( ish dramanya. But it's true. You better love me tons more after this post. Hehe.

I've been quite busy this week cos my Moral group assignment is almost due and we're supposed to hand in a first and second draft, before the final set, to count for our final score. So have been completing it in between classes, locking myself (and my groupmates) in the computer lab, and sticking my face in front of the laptop when i get home. So, first draft is finally done, now waiting to complete the second draft by monday/tuesday, then hand in the final set on thursday. Plus work for other subjects and tuition in between. So yeah, been pretty exhausted at the end of this week and pretty thankful for the weekend. But the good part is, i finally sign up to use the college's computer lab, which has access to the internet :) Didn't need to, till now. So it's good that i can make use of what i'm paying for (well, what my dad pays for). But of course, no access to facebook and msn. Haven't tried out other websites yet.

Internal exams are coming in a matter of 3 weeks *bulging eyes*. I better start motivating myself to start studying and plan a schedule before it's too late :)

And i can't wait till December for my China trip with El for a whole 2 weeks. Gosh, Leen, i'm going be stuck with you for 2 whole weeks. It's going to be awesome! muahaha x) What can i say, can't live with you, can't live without you. Hehe kidding. You know i love you lol.

My classmates bought me a slice of my favourite cake today for my early birthday celebration. Chocolate indulgence! I'm so touched, and still am. I've got awesome classmates :) I think 4 out of 11 of them are born in October. Happy early and belated birthday guys!
Somehow i don't really feel excited about my birthday this year. Seems like it's going to be just another ordinary day. But still, thank God for giving me a chance to experience life. It's been great, tough sometimes, and mostly very much WEIRD. Am i seriously giving my birthday speech now? And it's not even my birthday yet. I must be sleepy, as usual :p

Selamat malam Malaysia!
p/s: happy deepavali to all those celebrating!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I'm enjoying my holidays :) It's fruitfuuulllllll... And it's ending soon. Please don't enddd! I've not finished Chem work. Hehe...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Two is better than one

I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life
And I thought hey
You know this could be something
'Cause everything you do and words you say
You know that it all takes my breath away
And now I'm left with nothing

'Cause maybe it's true, that I can't live without you
Well maybe two is better than one
There's so much time, to figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two, is better than one

I remember every look upon your face,
The way you roll your eyes, the way you taste
You make it hard for breathing
'Cause when I close my eyes and drift away
I think of you and everythings okay
And finally now, we're leaving

Boys like girls ft. Taylor Swift
Love Drunk

This song is stuck to my head, thanks to Sarah.
The harmonizing is really good, especially when you hear it in a huge, empty room. I think probably cos i heard it in JC church room the first time. Hehe...
But the part "Cause maybe it's true, that I can't live without you" sounds sad.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Sweet goodbye to culinary arts

I was bored and hungry at home, so decided to bake muffins that I previously wanted to bake but was lazy to do so. I got the measurements from the internet and they weren't exactly accurate (like 1 cup etc), and I ran out of paper cups, so I decided to bake it into a cake instead.

"Muffin-cake" and apple sauce

Presentation is essential

It ended up looking pretty good. Or so I thought... Then I cut it open.
1. "Okay, it kind of looks like bread".
2. Then "okay, maybe i should try it first".
3. Then, "hmm... it tastes quite ok *satisfied*".
4. After a few bites, "it tastes horrible."

The icing on top, I got quite a few bad comments from my mum.
1. From " okay, not bad".
2. To "why is the bottom so salty ya? What did you put? It tastes so funny. Like something is wrong."

So what went wrong?
1. Too salty.
2. Looks and tastes like bread.
3. It gives that weird and unpleasant taste to the tongue.

Now I know...
From what I found out from Eileen, I put too much baking soda. 1 teaspoon instead of 1 pinch. Aiya, the recipe says 1 teaspoon mah! I shall not be so technical and "blindly obedient" anymore.

So... MISSION FAILED. Mampus aku... Anyone care to be bandaraya?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dare you to move

Maybe forgiveness is right where you fell

Dare you to move
A walk to remember

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Kiri means right, kanan means left?

I just found out how slow my brain can be. Well, i always knew... But now I REALLY know.

1. I find it so hard to understand Dative covalent bond. And when I did, i forgot it in a matter of 3 minutes.

2. I know the formulas they have in Physics, but i never come around knowing how to use them.

3. It takes me 2 minutes to differentiate kiri and kanan.

4. The day after exams, I forget everything I've revised.

5. My hand-leg-eye coordination, apparently does not coordinate. I know this as a matter of fact because of Left-for-dead, and... driving.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bryan Wong

Starting off from being super quiet

To falling asleep and writing numbers, instead of Malay words

To smiling, then laughing like it's nobody's business

To driving me crazy because you can't stop talking, fidgeting and bugging me


You no longer sleep

But you still dream

Penjodoh bilangan

Oh yeah, i got an A for my math test. I'm happy :) Thanks God!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Silence, the best policy?

I shall be silent. Maybe it's best not to care so much.

Monday, August 17, 2009

"Forever" is a dream

I'm enjoying it cautiously
I'm so afraid
Will it last?

More than life

"It is so easy to think that the world revolves around you, but all you have to do is stare up at the sky to realize it isn't that way at all."

Jodi Picoult
My Sister's Keeper

Some things are more than just life. It just takes a moment to see it.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


The day the door is closed
The echoes fill your soul
They won't say which way to go
Just trust your heart

To find what you're here for
Open another door
I'm not sure anymore
It's just so hard

The voices in my head
Tell me they know best
Got me on the edge
They're pushing, pushing, they're pushing

I know they got a plan
While the ball is in my hands
This time it's man to man
I'm dropping, fighting
It's time to

Whole world is upside down
It's spinning faster
What do I do now

I don't know where to go
What is the right team
I want my own thing
So bad I'm going to scream
I can't choose
So confused
What does it all mean?
I want my own dream
So bad I'm going to scream

I'm kicking down the walls
I've got to make them fall
Just break through them all
I'm pushing, crashing
I'm going to fight to find myself
Me and no one else
Which way I get down
Searching, searching
Can't find a road that I should take
Tomorrow left us
Like nothing works without you

Yeah, the clock is running down
Hear the crowd getting loud
I'm consumed by the sound
Is it hurt? Is it love?
Can the music ever be enough?
Got to work it out.
You can do it.

Zac Efron . High School Musical 3

Better to consider opportunities now than in 10 years when life may limit your choices.
... trust one instincts, and that takes courage.
Ms. Darbus

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Enough is enough

I'm so stressed. It's like a whole pile of stress piling on top of me. It's endless. Can you all just make life easier for me, instead of demanding so much from me? As if my name is Patience and life is just so good that I can just live to fulfill your wishes. I want to rip my hair out.

Yes, i wish i were Mother Teresa.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Buddies sick

Where are you guys!? I miss you all :(

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

1 year 5 months

Warning: This particular person shall not be named, as to maintain macho-ness.

Yesterday was our 1 year and 5 months of being together, which was at first mistaken to be 1 and 1/2 years
*ahem ahem*. Hee hee. Nevertheless, the one who shall not be named was so sweet to get me a cake, which i've been whining endlessly for it every time we see it in the cake shop.

Photos of some people who were getting green eyes for me taking photos of the cake, instead of them. They are as follow:

Your MAJESTY, the queen of Pelangi Unit 02

Your highness, PRINCESS of Pelangi Unit 02

Mum:" Wah, take photo of the cake and don't want to take photo of my RM20+ chocolate!" So, the chocolate deserves a royal shot.

Oh! I'll be watching the one who shall not be named tonight. Ron Weasley, I'm coming :)

Lastly, a glimpse of the one who shall not be named in disguise

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Different is... wrong?

You think the only people who are people

Are the people who look and think like you


After all, difference is the thing that makes us special.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


I just found out that STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS. No wonder people tend to go for dessert when they're stressed, especially females :)

*craving for chocolate cake*

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Yesterday was first day of college and it started of with the briefing and all. I was pretty impressed with the amount who signed up for the July intake, which were about 150 students or so (if my eyesight did not fail me). Till they called us out to join our course coordinators for a more specific briefing on our courses.

Coordinator:" School of business"
Response: A whole bunch of people left.

Coordinator:" School of design"
Response: A bigger bunch of people left.

Coordinator: "The rest is A levels is it?"

10. The amount of students taking A levels, both science and arts, is 10. No kidding.

So today we've finally me up with our lectures, got our timetables and some idea of what we'll be studying for the next one and a half year. I was so happy to bid goodbye to all the add math and chem and burn the books, and now I'm opening the gates to doomsday again. The math lecturer gave us a few math questions. And i didn't know how to answer a single one. NOT EVEN A SINGLE ONE. Serious OMG. I'm so dead. Hold that thought. Did i mention July intake students are geniuses? They are mostly straight As' students, waiting for their JPA scholarship. Need to start studying way ahead. And math is supposedly like the add math we study in secondary school. And i can't even do add math. At least I'm only doing 3 subjects, physics, chemistry and math. So i still have breaks in between classes and can go home :) . It's times like these that i truly appreciate studying close to home. I passed by the art room yesterday and wished i were there instead. Will really need to learn to enjoy what I'm studying *knock all artsy thoughts from my head through my ear like what we see in cartoons*. Looking forward to physics class though. My physics lecturer looks like some shaolin soccer guy and reminds me of Philip Ong (the singaporean), in his "Back to school" outfit. Hee hee. Today he explained a whole physics theory using one word, e.g hot. Very analytical and precise. And he likes to say "uh huh" after every sentence :) . Really looking forward to learning more from him.

Classes start tomorrow. Hopefully it'll be a good one! :)

And i'm still coughing till i cry.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Ed and I went to Cameron highlands yesterday. We left PJ at 7:40am, got there, ate, did some shopping and sight seeing, and left at around 1:30pm. Worship practice was at 4:15pm and Ed was driving like a mad man to reach back on time. I'm so sorry! I think i see multiple samans' coming :( . And tons of white hair. Thank you bu, it was really sweet of you to bring me there *grateful and touched*. It was a good trip :)

The crazy peeps

Excited to eat :D

It's as big as my face!

You've never fully experienced Camerons till you handpick your own strawberries

Why orange? It matches his shirt :)

All trimmed and arranged by the sweet dude himself. So pretty :)

Learning to laugh at myself

El and I decided to go shopping on Friday and i wanted to get a dress i previously saw in Cats Whiskers, Perdana Damansara branch. So El proposed that we go to Bangsar, as there is one there, and there will be other boutiques that we could shop in. But they didn't have the dress i wanted. As usual, stubborn me, was so focused on what i wanted, wouldn't get anything else besides that. And so, after shopping in Bangsar, El was so nice to drive back to the Perdana branch so that i could get my dress. I found the dress, tried it, and put it aside to go look around for a while more. While looking, El was sitting down and schrutinizing the dresses we picked. She was looking at the one i chose and suddenly started laughing and signed me to look at where she was looking. My head was going "Shux. Is something wrong with the dress? No no no..."

And then i saw...

MATERNITY! For pregnant mums'! Apparently, they put it at the maternity section and i didn't notice that. But but but they put it together with the other "non-maternity" clothes the first time i saw it. No wonder the shopkeeper was asking me weirdly whether i wanted it after i tried it. Now i know why! Well, i liked it too much to bother about the tag. Maybe i can still wear it next time when i get married and pregnant. For now, i shall just laugh at myself before other people find out about this and start laughing. HAHAHA :)

Maternity dress

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Well, it's my last week of freedom days so was really hoping to go for a trip somewhere before i start college. But i guess tak jadi *bummed*. Well, at least i have Penang to look forward to during the middle of this month. I should be grateful already. Thank God for Penang. I shall indulge myself in pretty photos like these instead :) *daydream*

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

De Racket speaks

Yes, Eileen her highness herself made me blog this *ahem ahem*, so i shall do as told :)


Topic: Is Eileen fat?
a. Duh
b. NO!
c. Crazy ah!?
d. A little

Eileen:" Mel, go blog (jokingly of course). So that when people see me, they'll refrain me from eating too much." People, when you see Eileen, shove food down her mouth! DENG EILEEN, even a cat eats more than you do! So you better start eating like a normal person, or I'll make you gain 20kgs and haunt you in your sleep. DO YOU HEAR ME!? I mean, read me *pai seh*. Hee hee.

Your highness. All hail! :D

Sunday, June 28, 2009


I had the blues because I had no shoes until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet.

Ancient Persian Saying

Friday, June 26, 2009

Birthday boy

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday sleepy head
Happy birthday to you

Presenting sleepy head

Hee hee. Please don't kill me! It was Ed's birthday yesterday and just wanted to say thank you for all that you do. We drive each other crazy sometimes but at the end of the day, i know that you put up with me alot and put a lot of effort in making things work between us. I couldn't be more blessed to have you around. Have a blessed year ahead :)

Monday, June 22, 2009


A smile costs nothing but gives much.
It enriches those who receive without making poorer those who give.
It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.
None is so rich or mighty that he cannot get along without it and none is so poor that he cannot be made rich by it.
Yet a smile cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away.
Some people are too tired to give you a smile.
Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give.

Author Unknown

Sunday, June 21, 2009

In Christ Alone

In every victory
Let it be said of me
My source of strength
My source of hope
Is Christ alone

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Here I come

Melly made it!

Melly made it!

Melly made it!

*Various loud instruments crashing together dramatically and rather unprofessionally*

Okay, I just can't resist saying it ONE more time. I MADE IT! Whooppieee... Well, it's not like I made it to the top of Mount Everest or anything, but I made it to college. Hee hee. I managed to apply to KBU Kolej Bandar Utama today, as it is the open day for the college, and got the offer letter on the spot. So in 2 weeks time, I will be far from my honeymoon days, mouldy hair, and starting to kick butt. I really want to do well, all thanks to the handsome boy's face on the College's newsletter saying he made it to Oxford. KBU -> OXFORD. Solid... I think the thing I like most about the College is the field "like those pretty big ones with huge autumn-looking trees that make it look like those in Western countries", and Centrepoint next to the campus! McDonalds, here I come! Hehe. Okay, enough with the food. Anyways, I'm really glad in making it into college. It's another turning point in life, and I really hope to enjoy every minute of it while it lasts :) . But mostly, thank you God. I wouldn't have made it without You.

Kolej Bandar Utama

No, this is not me. Neither is it the "handsome boy from Oxford". Well, at least I don't think it is.
P/s: Look out for the dramatic storm-sky.

The "random" of the day
Question: What "tree" has people staying in it?
Answer: Country
By Eddy Yew
The original from The Chee sisters

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


How well do you actually know me before you say those things? How well do you know my spiritual life?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Bubblegum shake

My mum made us a protein shake, which actually helps replenish all the nutrients we lack. I repeat, ALL. So it comes in 5 different flavors - vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, tropical fruits and cappuccino. Thus, we opted for strawberry. Nice huh... BUT... It tasted a little weird and my mum decided to add dragon fruit to it. AND THUS... It ended up tasting like bubblegum. And it's not very pleasant. I don't think I'll enjoy eating bubblegum after this. Hmm... Sigh. I am thankful for the protein shake though. Thank You God for protein shakes! :D

On bended knees, still

You're speaking, and I'm listening. I hear Your assurance. I know and am thankful that I can trust and lean on You. And it'll be okay. You're right here, and that's all I need.

I'm excited to know what You have installed.

Friday, June 12, 2009

On bended knees

Lord, I need You... Would You come to save me, again... :(

Monday, June 8, 2009

Mengejar HadirMu

I believe that God has been reminding me and constantly prompting me saying "Mel, remember me. I'm here. And I miss you". Its really foolish of me to think I'm better off without God. Without the striving, the endless trying, the questions without answers... Trust me when I say, its not any better. But God is faithful and has constantly reminding me of how He brought me through the past and has been there. Sometimes it got too overwhelming that I couldn't see. But thank God that He is teaching me and reminding me of His goodness, especially through people, when they speak of Him and even just now, when I was reading someone's blog. It reminded me of the simplicity and joy of serving, loving and walking with Him. And I miss that. I miss being where You are.

Lord, I just want to lift everything to you. My dreams, desires, my Isaacs', my security, every step i take and every decision, my life and my all. May You use it for Your glory.

Its not about me, but about You. Help me not to be self-centered, but to keep my eyes on You.

Mengejar hadirMu

Dekat padaMu itu rinduku
Setiap kataku Kau pun menunggu
Tak kusangka kutemukan satu kasih yang abadi
Kini kudatang dan kubawa hidupku

Memandang wajahMu
Mengikuti kebaikanMu
Mengejar hadirMu
dalam hidupku

Membawa sembahku
Menyatakan kebesaranMu
Mengejar hadirMu
dalam hidupku

Essential needs

Okay, I suck... I think I need to go for communication lessons... Cos I really suck at it. And in so many other aspects too... I need many lessons... *Sob sob*

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Ice-cream maniac

*drum roll*

... ...

Ta daa!!!

Okay, I've just had my ever-so-indulging McDonald's strawberry sundae! It's the 3rd time I'm having ice-cream this week, considering the bucket of ice-cream from Baskin Robbins on Monday and another bucket from Tesco on Friday. Well, good thing i had Ed to share them with me. Hehe. Ow man... My two-month-old belly is going to turn to three months very soon. Tee hee hee. I should really learn to control my appetite. All the hard work from jogging and the sore legs after that has gone to waste :p

Kris Allen vs. Adam Lambert

Okay, I still like Kris' version of No Boundaries better than Adam's. Maybe not as oumph as Adam's version, it somehow sounds more genuine to me. Though he didn't sing it very well during the finale performance as due to the key being too high for him. But still... Adam is definitely better when it comes to vocals and originality. But i guess I'm not very crazy over every song ending with the screams. A bit predictable and to an extent quite used to it till it doesn't feel so oumph anymore. Okay, maybe it's just me. Anyways, back to the topic, yeah i still stick to Kris on No Boundaries. Nothing is going to shake me!

*Note: this is about the song preference, and not the winner.

Friday, June 5, 2009


Everyone wants something, may it be making a difference/ fighting cancer/ being someone's husband or wife/ being Oprah/ the feeling to be needed/ being respected/ something to believe in; even some to forgive, and some to forget... There is always a sense of hope in all of these. And when there is hope, there is always a risk of that not becoming a reality. And so some will give up, some even not bothering to pray anymore. Even as Christians, life doesn't always go smoothly. But sometimes all we need is faith. That we can make it, and we'll make it through. That what we want in life may not be what God wants for us. So we need to trust in him. I found this song very encouraging. So hopefully by sharing this, it can be an encouragement to others as well.

You can spend your whole life building
Something from nothing
One storm can come and blow it all away
Build it anyway

You can chase a dream
That seems so out of reach
And you know it might not ever come your way
Dream it anyway

God is great but sometimes life aint good
And when I pray
It doesn't always turn out like I think it should
But I do it anyway
I do it anyway

This worlds gone crazy
And it's hard to believe
That tomorrow will be better than today
Believe it anyway

You can love someone with all your heart
For all the right reasons
And in a moment they can choose to walk away
love them anyway

God is great but sometimes life aint good
And when I pray
It doesn't always turn out like I think it should
But I do it anyway
Yeah I do it anyway, yeah,

You can pour your soul out singing
A song you believe in
That tomorrow they'll forget you ever sang
Sing it anyway
Yeah sing it anyway

I sing
I dream
I love anyway

By Martina McBride
Album: Waking up laughing

My best buddies

I miss you guys a lot..

My family aka Lao bu . Da jie . Er jie

Jin May

Atuk Adam

Cucu Saba