Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I know I am loved by the King, and it makes my heart want to sing

I'm just reminded of my time spending with God. Yesterday Ed mentioned about the word "friends", especially God as our friend. It reminded me how relationships are with friends, God being my friend. One thing I love most is sitting on the floor alone, next to my bed, with the room door closed, and just talking to God, literately, with my voice. I love how beautiful conversations like these can be, when there are no pretenses; no striving; no defensiveness... I can just tell Him everything, what I'm feeling, what I'm going through, my fears, disagreements, what I love and dislike, how situations are. Because no sides are taken, there are no worries whether I am hurting someone's feelings by speaking out my own; no gossips; no judgments... Because He knows it all, and sees it as it is. Just a few days ago we went hiking to Broga hill. While I was standing at the peak and looking down on everything, it suddenly came to me that God, who created all this, how specific and detailed He is. How when Dolly mentioned Jude, while working on the picture on the front cover of the chronicles, was so detailed in doing it, every single detail was there in it's magnified condition. Yet after returning it to it's original state, like how you look at the chronicles now, you don't actually see the details that are there because you've zoomed out from it. But nevertheless, the details ARE there. When I looked down on everything from the peak, i see clumps of green and yellow, which I assume are trees and paddy wheat. Then I zoom in on one of the clumps of yellow, and I see paddy wheat. Further zooming in on the paddy wheat, and I see every single grain, in it's detail. Each dent, each scratch, each hair. Zooming in for the last time and I see each cell and molecule in a single grain. It's amazing how God can take care and take account of every single little detail. And if He knows every detail of a single wheat, what will He not know about me. Many times I strive to please God that I forget how honest I can be with Him with every part of my life. That I can tell Him what I feel and think. When most times I can't find words to express, I know that He knows what I mean. It's beautiful to know that there is someone so close to my heart, that pure honesty is allowed.

I will walk with You
Knowing You'll see me through
How can I keep from singing
Chris Tomlin

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